2010 Claremont Cougars Lacrosse - Roster

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No.NamePosYearHometownLast Team
8 Bae, Kyung TaeMFRDaegu, South KoreaChapel Hill-Chauncy Hall
6 Bargmann, AlexMJRPelham, NYPelham Memorial HS
39 Barron, MaxDSRDenver, COKent Denver
44 Bennett, SamGFRPiedmont, CARobert Louis Stevenson
29 Blau, Eric DFRLivingston, NJThe Pingry School
32 Cook, DavidAJRWoodside, CAThacher School
24 Corcos, ChetAFRSacramento, CABella Vista HS
30 Davis, CalebMSOBainbridge Island, WABainbridge HS
25 Dorman, AlecMFRLake Oswego, ORLake Oswego HS
43 Douzdijian, Viken AFRPortland, ORRiverdale HS
10 Gilbert, Ethan MFRColorado Springs, COColorado Springs School
13 Heaton, WilliamDJRSan Diego, CAScripps Ranch
37 Huddle, RogerMSORancho Cordova, CACordova HS
19 Ingrasci, ZachMSOBainbridge Island, WABainbridge HS
18 Jordan, AndrewDJRLong Beach, CAThacher School
5 Karriem, JamilASOSouth Orange, NJColumbia Senior HS
22 Kos, Blake MFRSanta Ana, CAMater Dei HS
35 Kuperman, NealASOPortland, ORGrant HS
49 Laredo, MattDFRPacific Grove, CAPacific Grove
11 Lyford, Henry MFRAnchorage, AKWest HS
26 McNitt, BobbyDFRWinnetka, ILBerkshire HS
20 Menke, MaxASRPiedmont, CAHead-Royce School
7 Miller, RobeyDJRChicago, ILCate School
40 Nigh, Evan GFRBillings, MTBillings West HS
1 Olson, BrockMJRLake Oswego, ORLakeridge HS
9 Picciotto, DanMJRTigard, ORTigard HS
12 Reichert, AlexanderMJRSwampscott, MAPingree School
17 Ross, AlexMSOEvanston, ILEvanston Township HS
16 Ruiz, DavidMSRGilroy, CABellarmine College Prep
4 Sanford, MaxLSMSRShepleigh, MEBerwick Academy
23 Schwartz, JonMFRNew York City, NYHSMSE@CCNY
38 Smedley, KareemMFRAnn Arbor, MICommunity HS
36 Spitzer, JustinASOPalo Alto, CACate School
45 Steck, JonMFRCarmel, CAYork School
31 Thomas, ChrisDFRLos Angeles, CAThacher HS
2 Walters, CavMFRDallas, TXHighland Park HS
3 Widmann, MichaelMSRLittleton, COHeritage HS
28 Wright, NickMSOCape Elizabeth, MESouth Portland HS
14 Zacharias, EricDJRLa Jolla, CALa Jolla HS
15 Zubke, DustinDFRWatford City, NDPhillips Exeter Academy
48 Zwisler, EvanMSOShanghaiShanghai American School

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