Support the CougsAs a club sport at The Claremont Colleges, the Claremont Men's Lacrosse team approaches its financial situation differently than an NCAA intercolliegate program. The team members pay significant annual dues, but it is generous donations that help keep the Cougs playing. If it were not for these donations, the team would be unable to remain competitive. It is our hope that fans, alumni, families, or lacrosse enthusiasts will keep the Cougs' dreams going with such donations. Below is information for anyone who might be interested in keeping this program strong... expenses rise every year. Thanks in advance for your support from the Claremont Men's Lacrosse Club. GO COUGS! Tax-deductible contributions may be made using a credit card at Or send checks payable to Claremont McKenna College to: Note: Harvey Mudd, Pitzer, and Pomona alumni and parents may donate through HMC https://securelb.imodules.com/s/1488/index1-col.aspx?sid=1488&gid=1&pgid=1146&cid=2372 Pitzer https://www.pitzer.edu/advancement/general-donation-form Pomona https://www.givecampus.com/campaigns/38174/donations/new?a=7388803, but indicate clearly that your gift is for Men's Lacrosse and let the team know about your donation so that we can obtain it from the colleges. Player annual DUES PAYMENTS are not tax-deductible and may only be made by check, not through the gift accounts.
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