4.13.18 - Our April Newsletters are now online. Read them here.
4.9.18 - Spirit Night at Canes April 16!
4.6.18 - 2018 Season Schedule Poster Featuring our Seniors
3.20.18 - Head to the movies over spring break and support the TWHS Boys Lacrosse Team! Filmraiser is promoting a TWHS Boys Lacrosse Team fundraiser for opening weekend (March 29 - April 1) for the Steven Spielberg movie, Ready Player One. For each ticket sold through Filmraiser and Atom Tickets, $1 will be donated back to TWHS Boys Lacrosse Team. Tickets can be purchased through an online computer for any participating theater. (Cell phone purchases can not be tracked for fundraising at this time.) See you at the movies!
-Click on the link below - we will be credited at any participating theatre. You will not see any mention of TWHS, but the link will credit us.
3.1.18 - Tues., March 13th is the TWHS Boy's LAX Spirit Night at Piada Worthington Mall! The Piada fundraiser goes all day. Whenever someone mentions “TWHS Boys Lacrosse” or shows the flyer to the cashier 30% of your order benefits our team.
2.28.18 - TWHS Boy's LAX JV to Sat., March 31, 3pm OSU vs. Penn State lacrosse game at Ohio Stadium.
See flyer below for more details. GO CARDS & GO BUCKS!
2.27.18 - Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser! Eat at Buffalo Wild Wings, mention our team name, show the attached card on your phone or print flyer, and 10% will be donated back to TWHS Boy's LAX. March 1st thru May 31st. Valid ONLY at the Polaris Parkway location. This also works for carry out.
2.10.18 - Our Annual Mulch Sale kicks off today! Win-Win-Win! Get your mulch delivered for free, pay no sales tax (non-profit), and receive a receipt for the tax-deductible portion of your purchase, all while supporting TWHS Boy's Lacrosse. Ask any player to order, or click here to buy online...
2.2.18 - Our Chipotle Spirit Night, Crosswoods: (Campus View Blvd & Hutchinson) is Weds., Feb. 7, 4-8pm. Mention TWHS Boys LAX or show this flyer before you pay and a portion of your sale benefits the team.
1.23.18 - Pancake Day is Saturday March 10th from 8:00-2:00 and this year it is at Worthington Kilbourne High School. Pancake Day is the #1 fundraiser for Cards Inc. and benefits ALL athletes at TWHS. Every student athlete (ask one!) will have tickets for sale, $5 ea. which is a bargain for this annual Worthington event featuring entertainment, activities, auctions and of course a pancake breakfast!
1.16.18 - Our 2018 schedule is now posted!
12.29.17 TWHS Boy’s Lacrosse Important Dates 2018 - Mandatory Preseason Meeting: Thurs., January 11, 7pm at TWHS: all parents & players - Chipotle Spirit Night, Crosswoods: (Campus View Blvd & Hutchinson) Weds., Feb 7, 4-8pm - First Day of Practice: Tues., Feb. 20, 7:30pm at TWHS - Meet the Team Dinner: Thurs., Mar. 8, 7pm at TWHS - Spring Break: - OSU Buckeye Battle Team Camp; July 13-15. JV and Varsity Teams
12.11.17 - Our team volunteered at the Worthington Fire Department Toy Drive on Dec. 9. See the photos on our Facebook page.
11.7.17 - Varsity and JV Indoor schedule set at Bo Jackson's Elite Sports
10.31.17 - Read our current Team Newsletter here.
2017 Season Photos
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