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Warmup before the storm

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Thomas Worthington High School Boys Lacrosse Team is the official Facebook page for the TWHS Boys' Lacrosse Team.



@TWboyslax is the official Twitter account of the TWHS Boys' Lacrosse Team.


Reimbursement Form

The  form Lax_-_check_request_form17w.pdf  is meant to be used for all club reimbursement requests. This will allow the club to track expenses formally and for auditing purposes. Download, then print or fill in the form electronically.


Signup Forms

Online Forms for Athletics: Worthington Schools are transitioning from using paper forms to online forms with electronic signatures. This change will provide a more efficient process for students, parents and coaches. 

Student physicals are valid for one year from the date signed by the doctor. If the student has a physical on file, please let us know so that the Athletics department can verify.




Parent Club Meetings:

Parent Club Social Gatherings:

The parent club social committee was created to host social activities for the parents, outside of the normal parents meetings and the game environments to get to know parents from all grade levels. We hope that you can attend as many of these events as you can. The committee will post information about the gatherings here. These gatherings are designed so that parents can get to know other parents. If you would like to assist with this committee please contact one of the board members.

Parent Club Committee Chairs


Committee Contacts
BANQUET - organize end of the season banquet  
CONCESSIONS - coordinate volunteers for the concession stand during games  Tina Stiver
HOSPITALITY - coordinate meet the team dinner & team meals during season  
COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM - coordinate the players' community service program  
MEMBERSHIP - TWHS has moved to an online process for player registration & forms.  Lacrosse Parents' Board & Coaches
MULCH SALE - coordinate mulch sale & delivery  Penny Jones
PANCAKE DAY - organize auction baskets, coordinate ticket sales & sign-up volunteers  
PHOTOGRAPHY - game pictures & film / coordinate end of season video, slides, senior gifts  
PUBLICITY - varsity game stats to paper  Coaches
SENIOR BANNERS & POSTER - coordinate pictures  
STATS - organize volunteers for recording game stats  
SPIRIT SALES - organize ordering of spiritwear for team, parents, & alumni  
TEAM SERVICES - arrange transportation, hotels & meals for overnight trips  Lacrosse Parents' Board & Hospitality
FINANCIAL REVIEW - assist with annual audit  
WEBSITE - manage & update website  
BYLAWS REVIEW - evaluate and make recommendations regarding club bylaws          
MIDWEST TOURNAMENT - coordinate activities related to hosting the Midwest Tourament  


Tax Exempt Form - The TWHS Boys Lax Parents Club is part of Cards Inc., an independent 501(c) (3) organization as determined by the Internal Revenue Service. The mission of CardsInc. is to support all athletic teams representing Thomas Worthington High School, including the TWHS Boys Lacrosse Teams and the parents booster club. A tax exempt form should be presentd for purchases made for the club and teams. Unnecessary tax paid cannot be guaranteed for reimbursement.    Lax_-_tax_exempt_form.pdf 


Parent Club History



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