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Warmup before the storm

2010-2011 Varsity Roster

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44Anderson, IanASR
26Brown, ZachMJR
45Byars, WillDSO
16Cohan, HarrisonDJR
21Gabel, RyanMJR
19Gratz, KyleAJR
30Haley, JaredLSMSR
36Hegerty, ZachLSMJR
3Jones, AndrewGJR
27Mauck, RossMSR
13McDerment, KyleAJR
9Meek, AronMJR
22Mills, ZachMSR
5Monfort, EricMJR
35Norris, AdamDJR
23Poleway, NathanDJR
6Riemenschneider, TommyMSR
11Schuetz, RobertAJR
25Sharick, NickDJR
12Sutton, EricMJR
8Willis, MarcusAJR


2010-2011 Junior Varsity A Roster

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20Atterbury, AndrewASO
27Barnovsky, AidenMFR
36Cason, EzraMSO
15Dineen, KyleMJR
25Fernandez, BrianAFR
14Gianfagna, EnzoAFR
14Gifford, KevinMJR
32Gilmore, BrooksDSO
45Glasgow, ConnorDFR
12Gordon, DannyAFR
26Grubb, ConnorLSMSO
28Hagerman, BrandonDFR
30Haley, ConnorMSO
6Helfer, DevonASO
7Hill, KevinMFR
44Hootman, CodyDFR
5King, MaxASO
21Klair, JoeyDJR
11Love, AlexMFR
15May, JustinMFR
31McCarthy, AidenMFR
33McCarthy, BrettMSO
1Miller, BrandonMFR
2Nadler, GrahamAJR
28Parish, RobbyDJR
35Peters, JamesDFR
17Plummer, HaydenASO
4Reibel, JoeMSO
13Sholes, KevinMFR
10Smith, EvanGSO
16Spernoga, RichardDFR
34Troper, SamGFR
18Tsen, BrianMJR


2010-2011 Junior Varsity B Roster

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2010-2011 Cardinals A (MS) Roster

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6Armitage, BrendonA8th
7Brady, AndrewM8th
4Ford, WilliamM7th
26Girard, TylerD8th
19Gratz, RyanM8th
22Haley, HudsonM8th
27Hegerty, NickA7th
10Hilliard, MichaelM8th
17Karagory, HenryD8th
5Kessler, ThomasA8th
3MacKenzie, SamG7th
11Matiscik, SeanLSM7th
9Molli, JoshM7th
14Porteus, LukeA8th
2Reed, EthanA8th
15Schonhiutt, MichaelM8th
29Shotwell, PJD8th
23Smith, TrevonM8th
18Stimpert, ThomasD8th
1Walter, JakeM7th
12Westfall, IanA8th
16Wheat, AlexD8th


2010-2011 Cardinals B (MS) Roster

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6Armitage, BrendonA8th
24Ashworth, JakeA7th
38Banks, IanA7th
7Brady, AndrewM8th
43Brilski, BrettM7th
20Conrad, JonathanM7th
33Dimarco, ChrisG7th
28Edwards, MalekA8th
4Ford, WilliamM7th
34Gallion, ZachM7th
42Geitter, DaneD7th
26Girard, TylerD8th
30Gutierrez, DesmondM7th
39Haire, EliA7th
32Hannigan, CoreyA7th
27Hegerty, NickA7th
45Hemann, ReeceA7th
44Kennemer, AustinM7th
41Kocheran, ChrisM7th
13Koeppen, CameronA7th
31LeBlanc, JacobM7th
11Matiscik, SeanD7th
25McGill, LiamA7th
9Molli, JoshM7th
35Schlichting, JohnD7th
23Smith, TrevonM8th
36St. Pierre, ClayM7th
37Viebranz, NathanM7th
1Walter, JakeM7th
40Wright, ColeD7th


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