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Warmup before the storm

2017-2018 Varsity Roster

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33Appel, OwenGFR
4Berridge, TimmyASR
9Coburn, KyleMSR
12Coe, JudeMSO
1Dykstra, LouisASR
7Endicott, NateMJR
13Fischbach, BennettMJR
25Hootman, TroyASR
14Hunt, TannerMJR
17Jackson, DekaiderMSR
20Jones, ParkerDSR
16Kallas, JohnDSR
3Kehl, OwenGSO
34Knotts, JackDSR
6Law, TrevorDSO
8MCarthy, NickMSO
27Nordquist, MaxMSR
11Orloff, DeanMSO
28Payton, KemauniDJR
21Savage, JakeMSR
5Schonhiutt, ZachAJR
15Short, EliDFR
10Stiver, ColeMSO
22Weinsz, TaylorMSR
2Willis, RyanMJR


2017-2018 Junior Varsity Roster

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6Arkus, PatrickFR
18Balleza, StephenSO
31Benjamin, JaylenFR
4Bootes, RileyFR
2Bradford, GrantGFR
5Chulasereekul, CopterJR
30Cochran, JackSO
12Coe, JackFR
27D'Amico, JacksonFR
1Dykstra, ReeseFR
25Isern, AndrewFR
11Jackman, NoahFR
8Janosik, AdlerFR
7Kellenberger, WilliamFR
32Landewehr, HarrySO
21Marcinik, DillonSO
9McDermott, ColeFR
16Miller, JakeSO
34Ritchie, AlexSO
19Ryan, EthanSO
8Shriner, NickJR
13Smith, CarsonFR
15Terrien, ColinFR
10Theuer, BronislavGJR
20Woods, NoahSO


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