Indoor Winter LeagueNov. 1, 2010 Indoor Varsity Roster Team #96 Coach O'Brien Schedule Click Here
Indoor Varsity Roster Team #99 Coach Juett Schedule Click Here
Indoor JV Roster Team #56 Schedule click here
Parents, It has come to my attention that most of our players are either not members of US Lacrosse or did not put the member number on the indoor form. This year, due to liability clauses, all players of the Winter Indoor League are required to be US Lacrosse members. This provides a substantial insurance policy for the player and the ability for the indoor league to cover itself in liability. If you have a problem with this and choose not to obtain a US Lacrosse membership for your son, than he can not participate in the Winter Indoor League. The indoor league will provide special stickers to put on the back of each players helmet signifying to the staff and officials that the player have paid their $180 fee, waiver form was signed by guardian, and US Lacrosse membership is active. If the player does not have a sticker than they can not compete. We live in a world of red tape and liability, hopefully the outcome is a safer environment. The cost for a high school player 18 and younger is $35 for a year membership. This includes insurance coverage, year subscription to Lacrosse Magazine, affinity programs, lacrosse gear and event discounts. Please use the below links to help you further understand the benefits to make this decision. ***Once you have obtained a membership number, please send me an email with your son's name, number, and expiration date. I will then update this for the Winter Indoor League to allow your son to be an eligible player. Games start the week of October 31st, so please get this done asap.***
The teams for Indoor Winter League will be determined once all forms and payments have been submitted to Coach Galipault or the BLAX mailbox in the Athletic Office at the high school. This needs to be done by October 8th.
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