Lax MeetingsFeb. 8, 2016 The following dates are schedule for Lacrosse Executive Board meetings; Feb.11, March 10, April 14, and May 5. Meetings will be held at 6:30 PM in the Cards Center at TWHS. Board meetings are open to all members, however only board members will have voting privileges at those meetings. The following dates are scheduled for general membership meetings during season: Feb. 18th Players & Parents mtg @ 6:30 PM in the Cards Center, March 16th combined with Meet The Team Dinner @ 7:30 PM in the commons/cafeteria, April 21st @ 6:30 PM in the Cards Center. On Feb. 18th there will be a vote taken on the proposed bylaws. Membership forms for the Lax Parents Club can still be turned in at a meeting or dropped off in the team mailbox in the AD's office. Lax_-_2016_Registration_form.pdf
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