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Warmup before the storm

WALA Golf Outing

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Oct. 2, 2014

Worthington Alumni Lacrosse Golf Outing - October 11, 2014

We would like to invite you to the 2nd Annual W.A.L.A. Golf Outing.  This year it will be held at The Golf Club of Dublin.  5805 Eiterman Rd. Dublin, OH 43016. Shotgun start at Noon, Oct. 11th, 2014.  (Ohio State Bye Week). Registration and hit balls 11am.The low cost of $75 per person will buy you: Green Fees and Cart Fees, range balls, 2 drink tickets, valet bag service and bag tag, Monday-Thurs replay round for each golfer. The event will be a 4 person scramble.  Space is limited, first come first serve. The $75 cost merely allows our organization to break even on the event.  Hamburgers, chicken breast, bratwurst/hotdogs, and chips will be served at the turn. We hope you will consider a hole sponsorship which will truly allow us to make a difference in the life and game of a young Worthington lacrosse player. Please register before the Oct. 3, 2014 deadline. You can sign up and pay by credit card at our new website at


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