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Warmup before the storm

Notre Dame hotel information

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly May. 5, 2014

TWHS JV and Varsity teams will both be attending the Notre Dame camp on July 25-27th. Those that registered for the earlier session in July, will have reservations transferred. Please contact Coach Comisford with any questions. For those parents that will be staying in South Bend, IN while the players are at the Notre Dame Camp, you can now make hotel reservations at the Hampton Inn and Fairfield Inn through the links online, or calll the hotels directly to receive the group rates. Reservations should be made in advance by June 6th at the Hampton and by July 4th at the Fairfield Inn. Additional details are on the summer opportunities page.

July 25-27 2014 LaCrosse Parent Reservations   Hampton Inn

Book your group rate: Worthington LaCrosse >>   Fairfield Inn



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