WWLL Features Community CollegesSep. 23, 2022 SBCC Women's Lacrosse is in the news! The Western Women's Lacrosse League recentfly reported Southern California community college women's lacrosse growth in a feature story. The title of the article is California Community College Lacrosse Taking Off. SBCC and Fullerton CC were the most prominent community college programs mentioned. The team at Fullerton is in the college athletic department and part of their gender equity equation for their California Department Of Education R-4 form for Title IX progress. It is apparent in the WWLL article it's a big help for the Hornets women's lacrosse team to be recognized and supported by their school administration. They are a P.E. class, they have a paid coach and have a college provided operating budget so having varsity women's lacrosse helps Fullerton with their three Title IX Prong Requirements. The Hornets made their move for this progress in 2018-19. Here's the Fullerton R-4 form for reference. The SBCC team is persevering for the thirteenth time as a club in the Office of Student Life at SBCC. It's been tough sledding garnering support at the college but the 32 women athletes in the club remain undaunted. The team leadership continues to work with SBCC administrators Amy Collins, LaDeane Hansten, Ellen O'Connor, Kathy O'Connor and Paul Miller to get the support needed for their demonstrated interest in competing intercollegiately in women's lacrosse. Faculty advisor Raeanne Napoleon is helping as well but it's ultimately up to the SBCC Board Of Trustees for the next move to keep the college out of hot water with Title IX. There are three huge factors in favor of the team as relates to gender equity and Title IX. The SBCC student body is 52% female but the varsity athletes are only 38% female. The school hasn't added a women's sport since beach volleyball in 2018-19. The WWLL is an intercollegiate league in Southern California for the team to play in and they're already members, along with Fullerton Community College. However, our Vaqueros women's lacrosse team are not yet getting support from SBCC equivalent to the precedent setting team at Fullerton or, even closer to home for example, the way SBCC women's water polo or women's soccer are supported. Meanwhile, the team keeps growing and two more defenders recently asked if they could try out. Upon sucess the roster will grow from 32 to 34 players. There is at least that progress with the club a popular choice among women at SBCC and it shows the interest is not going away. Watch SBCC team leadership making their most recent request for intercollegiate support at the SBCC Board Of Trustees meeting on September 15, 2022.
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