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UCSB Opens Fall Season Hosting 5th Annual Santa Barbara Fall Brawl

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Oct. 12, 2012

UCSB WLAX File PhotoSanta Barbara, CA - UCSB hosts the 5th Annual Santa Barbara Fall Brawl Sponsored By Brine this October 20th - 21st. The Gauchos will play games of their own while coordinating 39 teams playing 60 games in multiple divisions.  The highlight division of the event is the Thank You Title IX Division for girls and women. It has 33 teams in it. Even though none of the teams participating are varsity teams the girls and women playing on them have been afforded great opportunities to play organized sports thanks to Title IX. The UCSB campus is celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Title IX the entire month of October.

The Gauchos will put two teams into the action. UCSB Blue will play the Tigers (Occidental players), the Bulldogs (Redlands) and UCLA Blue. UCSB White will play UNLV, Sonoma and UCLA White. SBCC is also playing in the tournament. The Vaqueros will play Sonoma State, UCLA White and UC Irvine. All the UCSB and SBCC games are on Sunday.

The men's lacrosse Open Division is first year and has six teams in it. SBCC is the only local entrant on the men's side with UCSB taking the weekend off. SBCC has morning pool play games against Cal Lutheran and Total Lacrosse Club before place games in the afternoon.

The thirty-nine teams participating in 2012 mark growth in the tournament. They have eclipsed the previous record of 27 teams in 2011. The Fall Brawl is now second only to the Santa Barbara Shootout for number of teams. The Shootout closes registratioh at 64 teams every year.


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