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Santa Barbara Girls Lacrosse Fall Activity Report

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Nov. 4, 2015

The Santa Barbara Girls Lacrosse Association has been busy this fall and still has more planned to benefit girls lacrosse in the greater Santa Barbara area. Here's a list of some of the activity.

Girls P.E. Lessons At Elementary Schools

September & October we conducted forty-five P.E. Lessons for girls at nine elementary schools. We put a stick in almost 900 girls hands.  Use our Events Calendar to see where. When P.E. teachers requested boys lacrosse instruction, too, the SBGLA retained UCSB men's lacrosse assistant coach Andrew White to teach boys. 

Santa Barbara Open Streets

 Advertising & Promotion

The SBGLA placed an adverstisement in the October 15th Santa Barbara Independent to promote upcoming fall girls lacrosse events.

Clinic & Exhibition Games At a Local Tournament

On October 17th & 18th some local girls participated in a clinic and exhibition games at the Santa Barbara Showdown. Also, at the SB Showdown, local high school girls were 3-2 playing for Mission Lacrosse Club. Mission is the off-season club for all girls in Santa Barbara County. 

Introduction To Officiating

On October 23rd we conducted an Introduction To Officiating Girls Lacrosse in conjuction with the UCSB exhibition games against New Zealand and Cal Poly SLO. Nine local high school and college girls participated and we broke the ice on them becoming officials.

 Santa Barbara Open Streets

On October 24th we promoted girls lacrosse at Santa Barbara Open Streets on Cabrillo Boulevard. 

Girls P.E. Lessons at Junior High Schools

Some P.E. Lessons at elementary schools is wrapping up early November but the rest of the month of November is devoted to three week units of lacrosse in P.E. classes at all four junior high schools in the Santa Barbara Unified School District.

SBGLA After School Program 2015Fall & Winter Girls Lacrosse Clinic Series & A Camp

The SBGLA is offering a three clinic clinic-series at entry level pricing.

  • November 29th, 1 to 3pm, in Montecito
  • December 6th, 1 to 3pm, in Santa Barbara
  • January 24th, 1 to 3pm, in Goleta.

Click here To Register for these clinics. The fee is $25 per clinic or $65 for all three.

The Santa Barbara Lacrosse Camp Co. at UCSB has a holiday camp coming up for high school girls. The camp is December 12th & 13th and registration is on

Instrumental in supporting these outreach events were Robert Ball (Montecito Girls Lacrosse), Jeannette Biava (SBHS), Jessica Gastelum (Santa Barbara), Anne Hersman (UCSB), Katelyn McAleer (UCSB), Taylor Paige (UCSB), Paul Ramsey (UCSB), players from Santa Barbara High School and daughters of mothers and fathers interested in growing girls lacrosse in Santa Barbara.

The SBGLA Spring After-School Program starts after each school's spring break. Girls may come back from spring break to receive fun lacrosse instruction in an after school format right at their school.  Similarly, the SBUSD After School Sport program for junior high school students will be conducted at each of the four public junior high schools in the SBUSD system. 

To receive information about upcoming girls lacrosse opportunities please use this website and join our Mailing List.


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