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SBGLA Youth Lacrosse Rules 2016
Jamborees, Scrimmages & All Game Situations

These rules are similar to U.S. Lacrosse high school rules but with some modifications:

Girls will play in grade groups 1st - 3rd and 4th - 6th.  Some girls who are particularly talented 1st - 3rd graders may play up in 4th - 6th games but should also play in the 1st - 3rd grade game.

  1. No stick checking.  Includes on the ground, below shoulders, away from body.
  2. Modified short field.
  3. Playing 7 v. 7. (No restraining line, everyone plays everywhere).
  4. Game time:  Max 20 min running time halves.  No over time.
  5. Keeping score is optional.
  6. Sticks.
    1. Length: May be cut to fit arm length.
    2. Modified Pocket Depth:  Untie strings.  Half the depth of the ball should still be above the the bottom of the side wall.
  7. Modified Goal:  Smaller 4‘ x 4’ goals will be used.
  8. Cards:  Another player will be substituted back onto the field during the time of the card.
  9. No shooting from free position if no goal keeper. Instead the free position will be possession at the midfield and a player from the other team placed behind the ball.  
  10. No follow through into goal circle on shots.
  11. Offense and defense are not allowed in the crease (different than college).
  12. If four goal differential, then the team who is down is awarded free position at the draw circle until the differential drops below four.
  13. All other U.S. Lacrosse rules apply, including marking within a sticks length to avoid a 3 second call and to avoid shooting space. At the same time players may not shoot the ball in the direction of other players, they must have free space to the goal.  


From U.S. Lacrosse Rules Suggestions For Age Groups

Grades 1 - 3               Grades 4 - 6
2 Passes Before Shooting   3 Passes Before Shooting
Unlimited Possession Even When Guarded   3 Seconds To Pass When Guarded
No Score Kept or Recorded   Score May Be Kept
No Goalie   Optional Goalies



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