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Texas Women's Club Lacrosse formed in 1993 for female UT students with a passion for lacrosse. Since then, the team has come a long way by attracting some of the best athletes in the state, winning state championships and attending the Women's Collegiate Lacrosse Association (WCLA) National Championships in 2002, 2004 and every year from 2009 to 2014.

Typically, there are 25 members on the team. All of the women are great athletes with an estimated 90% who played at the high school level. However, the team is not limited to those with prior experience. We welcome the opportunity to teach more women the sport and allow them to develop a deep interest and passion for lacrosse. We ask that all players exhibit commitment, integrity, passion and a great work ethic on and off the field.

UT lacrosse is a club-level sport, which means we receive some funding and sponsorship from RecSports. The rest of our income is earned through dues and fundraisers. Since we only receive a certain amount of funding from RecSports, the rest of our expenses are paid out of pocket. The students provide all administrative support through our officer positions and make all decisions regarding the direction of the team.

Texas Women's Club Lacrosse plays in the Texas Women’s Lacrosse League (TWLL) under the US Lacrosse-sponsored WCLA. Other teams in TWLL include: Texas A&M, Texas State, Texas Tech, Baylor, Trinity, TCU, Sam Houston State, Rice, SFA, Austin College, Southwestern, SMU, UNT and LSU. The top teams compete in the TWLL Championships, and depending on the number of TWLL teams that join the WCLA that year, the first-place winner from TWLL could receive a bid to compete in the WCLA National Championships against the top 16 teams in the nation. Texas has won the state championship the past four years in a row.

In Spring 2014, Texas Women's Club Lacrosse finished 13-13 and finished 12th overall at the WCLA National Championships. 



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