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Santa Barbara Showdown Exhibition Games

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Aug. 6, 2015

Evite Showdown

Santa Barbara Youth Girls Lacrosse At SB Showdown
October 17 - 18 , 2015

Two SBGLA teams will play exhibition games at the upcoming Santa Barbara Showdown. All girls regardless of experience level are welcome. The SB Showdown is a 96 team tournament with youth divisions. Girls from Santa Barbara will get to play for fun with UCSB players coaching and officiating. This won't be a true Showdown entry with a Santa Barbara team playing against other California teams but it will be a fun opportunity for the girls to be part of this huge event.  All girls regardless of experience level are welcome. Please bring your daughter and invite your daughter's friends. Precise times each day, based on breaks in the schedule on the youth fields, will be set later. But now is the time to spread the word to all families of girls in Santa Barbara. 


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