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WWLL Championship Weekend

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Apr. 16, 2012

This weekend, Saturday April 21st and Sunday April 22nd, is the WWLL Division 2 Championships. The Lady Rebs are going in as the first place seed this weekend. Good luck Ladies!

1st Seed: UNLV

2nd Seed: UC Santa Cruz

3rd Seed: Stanford

4th Seed: Fullerton 


Saturday, April 21st 

UNLV (1st seed) v. Fullerton (4th seed) 2 pm at UC Santa Barbara

Santa Cruz (2nd seed) v. Stanford (3rd seed) 4 pm at UC Santa Barbara

Sunday, April 22nd

1st and 2nd place game 10 am at UC Santa Barbara

3rd and 4th place game 12 pm at UC Santa Barbara 




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