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Santa Barbara Shootout Already 52 Teams Strong

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Dec. 2, 2011

Santa Barbara ShootoutSanta Barbara, CA - The 24th Annual Santa Barbara Shootout is more than two months away but 52 of 64 spots in the event have already been claimed. The Shootout is February 17 - 19, 2012 at UCSB, SBCC and Girsh Park. Participation in the tournament is capped at 64 teams across all divisions. Shootout teams will be descending on Santa Barbara from all over the United States ...16 different states to be exact... from Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. The Shootout annually brings in about 1,200 athletes to Santa Barbara. More than 1,500 additional people come to town too in the form of family members, fans and officials.

Shootout Division Registrations Status
U.S. Lacrosse WCLA D1 Division 24 Teams Full 2 On Waiting List
U.S. Lacrosse WCLA D2 Division 18 Teams 6 Openings
WWLL B Team Division 5 Teams 1 Opening
Super Division (Po-Co, NCAA & Alumni Teams) 1 Team 5 Openings
Sweet Teen Division (U-19 / U-17 Teams) 5 Teams 7 Openings
Under-15 Division 0 Teams 6 Openings








The WCLA D1 bracket is full at 24 teams and has 2 teams on the waiting list. Spots are likely to be created in that division based on the open slots in other divisions. Divisions not filled by December 15th will reduced to a minimum number optimal to offer the division to allow for accepting teams on the waiting list in any division. The December 15th date for this adjustment lets waiting list teams know they're accepted a full two months out from the tournament.

If any teams look at what's open and their division isn't open they should still register to get on the waiting list before December 15th. It will be first come, first serve to get off a waiting list. Similarly, if a team wants a spot in a division with space they should register before December 15th because after that there might not be space.

The Sweet Teen Division is expected to get a handful more teams but a sleeper division for filling up quickly is the Super Division. It allows for post-collegiate teams, NCAA teams and alumni teams to mix together. The benefit of this mix for these types of teams is getting to play a different slate of opponents than might be normal. The NCAA teams can get scrimmages that won't count on their record before they open the regular season. The po-co teams have a chance to line up against an NCAA team and alumni teams create the opportunity for friends who haven't seen each other all at once in ages to make that happen too.

There were some early concerns about other tournaments moving their events to the same three-day weekend in February that has been the traditional date for the Shootout for most of its 24 years. The concerns have proven unfounded with 52 teams registered more than two months out being the most in the history of the Shootout.


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