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UCSB Womens Lacrosse - Events

Fitness Testing

When:Wed, Jan 11, 2012, 12:00pm - 2:00pm


Meet at the track.  Cardio run for time. The test covers the distance of about a mile but it is in 4 x 400 meter format. Groups of 8 players at a time will run repeat 400 meter sprints four times.

This was one of the winter break workouts so players should know how much they can push themselves on this test. Comparison to teammates will be made among players for each of the 400 meter times along with best 400 meter and best average among all 400 meter runs.


1)  Best individual 400 meter time.
2)  Ranking first through last in best individual 400 meter time.
3)  Best average from all four 400 meter times.
3)  Ranking first through last in average 400 meter times.

If you have class at Noon come at 1:00pm. If you have class both hours then schedule a make-up time to complete it before the end of the week.


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