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UCSB Womens Lacrosse - Events

30 Minute Run Fast Pace

When:Sat, Dec 3, 2011, 12:00am - 11:00pm


After warming up & stretching use a trail you like that has a soft surface or run around a big grass field. Run at 75% of full speed for the entire 30 minutes. You should not have to stop to walk but if your personal fitness doesn't allow you to run 75% speed without stopping then stop at 15 minutes. Recover and complete another 15 minute run.  Do not end up jogging for 30 minutes. Cool down and stretch again when you're done.

Jogging = Both feet are on the ground at the same time at some point as someone trudges along.  Running = Fast enough pace that only one foot is on the ground at a time as someone covers ground while running along. Can also think of running as involving a longer stride than jogging. A 75% Pace should result in both feet off the ground during each stride of the run.

Recovery - Eat a post workout recovery snack or meal with good protein 30 to 45 minutes after your workout.


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