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Broncos Finish 2010 with a 21-2 Record

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Jul. 1, 2010

The Broncos ended their season short of their ultimate goal but ended with an impressive 21-2 overall record and a 5th place finish at the National Championship Tournament held in Scottsdale, AZ last May.  Multiple Broncos were honored at the annual WDIA Awards Banquet that week.  Congratulations to the following players:

WDIA Single Postion Honors:

  • WDIA Player of the Year - Senior, Krista Shaw
  • WDIA Rookie of the Year - Freshman, Maggie Burke
  • WDIA Goalie of the Year - Junior, Renee Eligio

WDIA All American Honors:

  • First Team All American - Senior, Krista Shaw / Midfield
  • First Team All American - Senior, Jamie Staudt / Defense
  • First Team All American - Junior, Renee Eligio / Goalie
  • First Team All American - Junior, Gracie Binder / Attack
  • Second Team All American - Senior, Ellen Metzger / Defense
  • Second Team All American - Freshman, Maggie Burke / Midfield

WDIA All Tournament Team Honors:

  • Senior, Krista Shaw

Thank you again to all those people who supported the team during the 2010 season.  We can't thank you enough.  Have a great summer and we will see you next season!


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