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PVAA Lacrosse cannot succeed without the help and commitment of our volunteers.  If you would like to help with our program, whether it is coaching, concessions or helping with the fields please follow the steps below to become properly certified with the County.  All volunteers are required to be certfied and wear proper credentials when working at any of the PVAA programs or events.

1)  Go to

2)  Unlock the web site with Username: pvaa Password: coach

3)  If you already have an account sign in. If not click on “Sign Up” and fill out the form to create an account.

4)  Click on “Start/Continue your PVAA Training Course”

5)  Take the Introduction to Youth Sports Course and pass the exam.  We no longer require volunteers to take the sport specific exam.

6)  Print the certificate

7)  Fill out attached forms

8)  Place forms, certificate, photo, and driver's license in a sealed envelope and deliver to Diane Gorski - she has an office at the TPC Senior Center on Landrum Lane.



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