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Individual Records

Note: All records below are based on regular season statistics from from spring 2006 to present, powered by the database.  If you have additional, verified statistics above and beyond what you see below, please e-mail them to admin[at] as we would love to expand on all records below.



 Record Holder(s) 

 Current Record 

Year (Opponent)

Points – Game

 Matt Wolfe

 Alex Powell 

 Tyler Novotny

 Tyler Novotny

 Adam McCollister






 2012 (vs. Michigan State)

 2012 (vs. Western Michigan)

 2011 (vs. Alabama)

 2012 (vs. Western Michigan)

 2007 (vs. Miami [FL])

Points – Season

 Tyler Novotny

 Adam McCollister

 Tyler Novotny







Points – Career

 Adam McCollister

 Tyler Novotny

 Robert Musgrave







Goals – Game

 Tyler Novotny

 Tyler Novotny

 Tyler Novotny

 Tyler Novotny

 Tyler Novotny

 Robert Musgrave

 Chad Kinslow

 Robert Musgrave

 Jason Faber

 Adam McCollister

 Adam McCollister












 2012 (vs. West Virginia)

 2012 (vs. Western Michigan)

 2012 (vs Michigan State)

 2012 (vs. Buffalo)

 2011 (vs. Alabama)

 2010 (vs. West Virginia)

 2009 (vs. West Virginia)

 2009 (vs. Rhode Island)

 2009 (vs. Miami [OH])

 2007 (vs. Ball State)

 2006 (vs. Miami [FL])

Goals – Season

 Tyler Novotny

 Tyler Novotny

 Jason Faber







Goals – Career

 Tyler Novotny

 Adam McCollister

 Robert Musgrave







Assists – Game

 Matt Wolfe 

 Pat Bursch

 Joe Grmusa

 Alex Powell

 Peter Tumbas

 Peter Tumbas

 Peter Tumbas

 Eamonn Brady

 Andrew Solarz

 Adam McCollister

 Kyle McClafferty












 2012 (vs. Michigan State)

 2011 (vs. West Virginia)

 2012 (vs. Michigan State)

 2012 (vs. Western Michigan)

 2010 (vs. John Carroll

 2010 (vs. Miami [OH])

 2009 (vs. Ball State)

 2008 (vs. Wake Forest)

 2007 (vs. Miami [FL])

 2007 (vs. Eastern Michigan)

 2006 (vs. Miami [FL])

Assists – Season

 Peter Tumbas

 Joe Grmusa

 Pat Bursch







Assists – Career

 Adam McCollister

 Peter Tumbas





Ground Balls – Game

 Matt Pham

 Max Carlson

 Max Carlson

 Nick Ruff





 2011 (vs. South Florida)

 2012 (vs. West Virginia)

 2011 (vs. Carnegie Mellon)

 2011 (vs. West Virginia)

Ground Balls – Season

 Max Carlson

 Andrew Stypula

 Nick Ruff







Ground Balls – Career

 Nick Ruff

 Max Carlson

 Andrew Stypula







Saves – Game

 Chris Gorham

 Chris Gorham



 2012 (vs. Boston College)

 2011 (vs. Grove City)

Saves – Season

 Josef Kaufer

 Chris Gorham

 Chris Gorham







Saves – Career

 Chris Gorham

 Phillip Kritzer








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