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Wolves Give Back

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Mar. 4, 2014


The Kilbourne Lacrosse Man-up Program is all about giving back to the community and helping others. The Kilbourne lax boys have been giving back in many different ways, such as Meals on Wheels, Dowd Center for Homeless Children, Winter Coat Drive, Reach Out and Read Book Drive, Operation Buckeye Pack-and-Ship, Clintonville/Beechwold Resource Center, and Worthington Food Pantry Drive. Below are testimonials of their participation and hard work.

Dowd Center Testimonial:

The kids at the Dowd Center never disappoint us! They are full of energy and SO excited to see the boys! When Coach Riffee asked the children to choose a player to work with, one little girl ran up to Alex Cash, hugged his leg and said, "I got mine!" Everyone has fun! Plus, the kids learn some life skills (how to take turns, that it is important to study hard, how to cooperate, and that school is very important) in addition to lacrosse skills through Coach Riffee's great leadership and the players who willingly give one-on-one attention to the kids.

Clintonville/Beechwold Resource Center Testimonial:

A Mrs Bach from the Clintonville/Beechwold Resource Center called this morning to report that they were visited yesterday evening by our Lacrosse Team and she wanted to report how well behaved and mannerly they were. She had a great conversation with a Matt and Joe. Her comment was " What great kids we have."


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