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2013 Varsity - Statistics

Field Players

# Name Pos G A PtsShSh%GBsPenMin
35 Downer, Will A 42 37 79 120 35% 35 7 4:30
27 Patterson, Allen A 58 12 70 111 52% 28 6 5:30
55 Watts, Clark M 33 14 47 107 30% 32 10 8:30
33 Patterson, Alex M 7 7 14 26 26% 27 3 1:30
4 Clark, Logan A 7 6 13 15 46% 6 0 0:00
3 Lusardo, Matthew A 6 6 12 26 23% 15 5 3:30
31 Thacker, Clay M 4 8 12 30 13% 17 2 1:00
38 Jurasin, Austin M 4 6 10 14 28% 48 2 1:30
20 Ndege, Mervin M 7 3 10 26 26% 29 10 13:00
2 Duerson, Isaiah M 5 4 9 15 33% 22 2 1:30
39 Fields, Colton A 6 2 8 18 33% 5 1 1:00
15 Whalen, Conor M 2 2 4 4 50% 8 2 1:00
32 Rhea, Robert D 1 2 3 7 14% 67 7 6:30
47 Van Cleave, Austin M 2 0 2 6 33% 17 0 0:00
30 Ryan, Robert M 1 1 2 3 33% 7 1 1:00
21 Crowner, John D 0 1 1 0 0% 24 4 4:00
11 Jefferson, Douglas M 0 1 1 0 0% 0 0 0:00
13 Walker, Jack M 0 0 0 4 0% 2 0 0:00
42 Kinman, Will M 0 0 0 1 0% 2 0 0:00
45 Bender, Grason D 0 0 0 0 0% 26 3 2:30
24 Hebert, Andrew D 0 0 0 0 0% 34 6 6:00
18 Browning, Jack D 0 0 0 0 0% 5 0 0:00
28 Schoenbachler, Luke D 0 0 0 0 0% 44 16 17:30
53 Fogle, Cooper G 0 0 0 1 0% 23 3 2:30
19 Perkins, Adam A 0 0 0 0 0% 1 0 0:00
9 Fogle, Logan D 0 0 0 1 0% 4 0 0:00
6 Bender, Slater G 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0:00



# Name Shots Faced Saves GA Save %
6 Bender, Slater 0 2 1 66.67%
53 Fogle, Cooper 0 166 92 64.34%

  Pos=Position   G=Goals scored   A=Assists   Pts=Total points   Sh=Total shots   Sh%=Shot Percentage   SOG=Shots on goal   GBs=Ground balls   Face=Faceoffs   CTOs=Caused Turnovers   TOs=Turnovers   Face%=Percentage of Faceofss Won   Pen=Penalties   Min=Penalty Minutes   Save % = Save Percentage   GA=Goals Allowed





2013 Junior Varsity - Statistics

Field Players

# Name Pos G A PtsShSh%GBsPenMin
No field statistics are available for this season...



# Name Shots Faced Saves GA Save %
No goalie statistics are available for this season...

  Pos=Position   G=Goals scored   A=Assists   Pts=Total points   Sh=Total shots   Sh%=Shot Percentage   SOG=Shots on goal   GBs=Ground balls   Face=Faceoffs   CTOs=Caused Turnovers   TOs=Turnovers   Face%=Percentage of Faceofss Won   Pen=Penalties   Min=Penalty Minutes   Save % = Save Percentage   GA=Goals Allowed





2013 Freshman - Statistics

Field Players

# Name Pos G A PtsShSh%GBsPenMin
No field statistics are available for this season...



# Name Shots Faced Saves GA Save %
No goalie statistics are available for this season...

  Pos=Position   G=Goals scored   A=Assists   Pts=Total points   Sh=Total shots   Sh%=Shot Percentage   SOG=Shots on goal   GBs=Ground balls   Face=Faceoffs   CTOs=Caused Turnovers   TOs=Turnovers   Face%=Percentage of Faceofss Won   Pen=Penalties   Min=Penalty Minutes   Save % = Save Percentage   GA=Goals Allowed





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