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Boys vs. Girls

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly May. 23, 2010

Ballard Boys vs. Ballard Girls
We will have a Ballard Boy's Lacrosse versus Ballard Girl's Lacrosse match on Friday, May 28 at Ballard's Chilton Field (girls' lacrosse and field hockey field adjacent to Herr Lane).  There will be two games beginning at 6:00 pm.  JV teams will play each other with 30 minute running clock, followed immediately by a Varsity game for another 30 minute running clock.  Girl's field, girl's rules, girl's sticks.  Good luck!
Afterward we will dance to the tunes of Ballard's own Change for a Twenty band at "The Hutt" until dark.  Food will be on sale in the concession stand.
All students and adults are invited and we will be charging $2 for non-players.  Proceeds will benefit both programs.  Please talk it up among your family, friends and fellow students.


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