RegistrationJan. 27, 2017 The registration window for the 2017 season has been extended for all teams except the 5/6 girls teams. If you still need to register, use the link below. Please click on the link below to begin the process. Several noteworthy things: 1) You will need to create an account with a user name and password first before registering players. If you've used the Sports Engine platform before you don't need to create a new account, simply login. 2) Once you have an account you can begin the process of registering your player(s). After the waiver you'll have the option to proceed to checkout or register another player. 3) The second parent/guardian fields are not mandatory but that information is important to us and allows us to communicate with everyone so please complete it. https://springlakelacrosse.sportngin.com/register/form/245854483 For questions regarding the registration process please contact Jeff Bradbury at jbradburysllax@gmail.com or Doug Sharp at dsharp22@live.com
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