Welcome to the Spring Lake Lacrosse Organization website!2022 Season Registration is OPEN on our new website! - Oct 27, 2021 It’s that time of year again…Spring Lake Lacrosse registration is now open! Please visit our new website to register your K-12 player for spring lacrosse, find out about our self-funded program, and to explore the game of lacrosse. Register by December 31st, 2021. Any registrations after this date, will be charged a late fee. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at sllakerslax@gmail.com. Spring Lake Lacrosse Website https://springlakelax.teamsnapsites.com/ Our old website will be shutdown as of January 29, 2022. Please begin using our new site listed above for most current and up-to-date information.
Thank you,
SL Lax Board
LAX Fest 2021 Game Times - Apr 17, 2021 Today’s LAX Fest Line Up - Let’s Go Lakers!!! All games are admission free at Grand Haven High School main field. Concessions will be open and credit/debit cards will be accepted. 9 am 3/4 Boys Gray 10 am 5/6 Boys Gray 11 am 3/4 Boys Red 12 pm 5/6 Boys Red 1 pm 7/8 Boys Gray 2 pm 7/8 Boys Red
2021 Spring Lacrosse Spectator Protocols - Apr 12, 2021 To: All Spring Lake Lacrosse Athletes, Parents, and Staff Regarding: 2021 Spring Lacrosse Spectator Protocols As we move into competition this week, we ask that all participants attending these events follow these guidelines:
We thank you in advance for your kind support of these guidelines and look forward to seeing you out at the games! Go Lakers! Nathan Gates, President
Moving Forward with the 2021 Lacrosse Season - Apr 11, 2021 To: All Spring Lake Youth Lacrosse Athletes (K-8), Parents, and Staff
I trust that all have enjoyed the spring break and are ready to move forward into the 2021 spring lacrosse season. As we have all experienced in recent weeks, many moving parts continue to enter our world each day with respect to COVID-19 protocols and guidelines. We are going to proceed with our competitions and athlete-centered development as planned. It is our intent to continue to move forward without interruption until we receive direction from the MHSAA otherwise. We have pledged to move forward with our athletes' safety first. We understand that changes can and most likely will happen as we progress into the days and weeks ahead, but let's optimistically hope for minimal disruption if any. We have a tremendous volunteer network working on the management of the COVID-19 protocols for our athletes. Please continue to be patient and supportive of what is being asked of our team and staff members. Unless communicated otherwise, plan for practices and competition to resume this week as scheduled previously. Thanks, and Go Lakers!
Nathan Gates, President
Youth Practice Update - Mar 29, 2021 Attention SL Youth LAX Families! All practices previously scheduled for today and Tuesday (3/30/21) will remain the same. However, all Wednesday (3/31) and Thursday (4/1) practices will be canceled. Please watch your inbox for messages regarding upcoming changes to our 2021 Youth LAX Season. Thank you, SL Youth Lacrosse Board
New 5th/6th Girls Practice Schedule - Mar 22, 2021 New 5th/6th Girls Practice Schedule Tuesday 3/23 thru Thursday 3/25 - 4-6 pm SLMS - behind building by baseball field Monday 3/29 thru Wednesday 3/31 - 4-6 pm SLMS - behind building by baseball field Great first day of practice! We are in luck and our coaches can both coach from 4-6 pm. Athletes can go right from school out to the field. Gear can be left in the SLMS Auditorium (similar to Ski Club) during the day. Equipment is not allowed on the bus. If your daughter rides the bus, sticks/gear can be dropped off at the SLIS office and stored Mon. - Thur. in our locked sports shed to help with decreasing the number of equipment dropoff days. Sorry for the short notice, the coaches told the girls before I had a chance to communicate. Let me know if you have any questions. Melissa Sieracki Spring Lake Lacrosse - Girls Youth Director melsieracki123@icloud.com or 616-481-3777
Helmet Shield Announcement 3rd-12th Grade Boys and Goalie Girls - Mar 22, 2021 Attention Parents and Players for 3rd-12th Grade Boys and Goalie Girls, Please note the MHSAA has released new guidelines for face coverings. In lieu of a mask they are allowing lacrosse helmet approved shields. Our Spring Lake Program will be providing an option for an appropriate shield for Cascade helmets. Please look for detailed information very soon. Please do not feel necessary to search or purchase these shields individually until we release more information. Until the shipment arrives players must wear a normal mask! Thank you! We wish everyone a very exciting official first week!
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