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VolunteerVolunteer At Santa Barbara Tournaments

The large scale events run by Santa Barbara Tournaments can only happen with the help of all our volunteers. If you are willing to donate your time volunteering at our games and tournaments please fill out the on-line form. Volunteer tasks range from keeping score and running game clocks to selling event shirts to helping set up and clean up. 

These events are perfect for UCSB Honors Students and local high school students who need volunteer hours to graduate. We will sign your form for you right at the event once your shift is complete. Seniors who love getting out to local sporting events, who want a front row seat, this is a great opportunity for you too. UCSB, SBCC and SBLA lacrosse family members who are willing to pitch in while they're here in town anyway now we have a way of finding out ahead of time.   

If you're the president of a fraternity or sorority, the captain or coach of another team or a leader of any group and your players are required to complete volunteer hours then we're here. Our teams can also trade volunteering at events so if your team needs volunteers please let us know in the message box.

Thank you!



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