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2014 University of Kentucky Men's Lacrosse - Roster

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No.NamePosYearHometownLast Team
11 Azar, ChrisMJRMontville, NJMontville Township
13 Bright, JamesF/OSOLouisville, KYSt. Xavier
18 Corea, EvanASOLouisville, KYBallard
16 Cox, SeanDFRAkron, OHRevere
36 Etling, DrewGSOUnion, KYCovington Catholic High School
8 Fackler, AustinDSOLouisville, KYSalisbury
11 Harris, JakeMSOLouisville, KYNorth Oldham
24 Holbrook, HaydenMSOLouisville, KYSt. Xavier
6 Jeffries, LoganSSDMSOFort Mitchell, KYBeechwood HS
22 Jones, WadeMFRLouisville, KYEastern HS
25 Lydick, ZachMFRChicago, ILGeneva
33 Pat CiuccioDSOVilla Hills, KYCovington Catholic
27 Rivera, TommyMFRCincinnati, OHSycamore
13 Schmieder, RyanGFRWarrenton, VAHighland
36 Shaughnassy, CoreyDFRLouisville, KYSt. Xavier


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