Players Asked to Register with JF Webb Lacrosse; Fans May Register TooJul. 9, 2013 REGISTRATION REQUIRED TO VIEW CERTAIN TEAM INFORMATION Beginning in the 2014 season, players at Webb are being asked to register as a player on our website. This is so they may view player resources and documents, like workouts, diet plans, offensive and defensive formations, things like that. The webpages will ONLY be accessible by players, so if a player intends to compete for playing time on the field, they need to register so they can review the material. Registration is simple: at the top of the homepage, www.jfwlacrosse.org, there is a link that says "Register" button (assuming you are not logged in already). Please click this link and follow the instructions on screen. When registering, please capitalize your name properly (first letter of each). You must also provide YOUR email address; we have a list of all player's email addresses, and if a registration request comes through that doesn't match the player's name to his email address, that registration will be rejected. If you are PLANNING on playing (incoming freshman/new players), please get approval through Coach Farabee first before submitting your registration application. Fans, parents, and alumni: you may also register by following the same procedure listed above. When asked what your affiliation is, please select the appropriate box.
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