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Ian Update 6/20

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Jun. 21, 2010

From Steve Simonetti:
I spoke with Doug this morning, and here is a brief update:


Ian is resting comfortably while fairly heavily sedated.  He remains on the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine in an attempt to try to stabilize his breathing, and the sedation helps to keep him relaxed.  He still has a fever, between 101 and 102, and is being treated for that, but Doug indicated that the doctors believe he has stabilized with the fever and it will get only better from here.  The plan for tomorrow or soon after is to remove the CPAP, perform a bronchoscope to check and clear the airways, followed by a tracheotomy, at least for the time being. 


If all this goes as hoped, Ian could be released in the next week or so to travel back to Columbus—Dodd Hall—to begin his therapy.  Doug continues to stress that they know all the prayers are helping; not only Ian, but the entire family.


It has been a long week.  Thanks for remaining patient with the plans to set up a more regular communication to all that continue to hope, pray, and provide their well wishes for Ian’s recovery.  While that may be coming soon, the focus by the Burkhart’s remains on caring for Ian.


Thanks to all and a very Happy Father’s day to all you dad’s, from Ian and family—




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