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Former Eagle Suits Up for Israel in International Lacrosse Debut

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly Jul. 12, 2012

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL: On June 10th, David Franklin (Emory '08) reported to Ashkelon, Israel for training camp with the first-ever Israeli National Lacrosse Team. After spending several days touring the country, conducting youth clinics and practicing, Team Israel traveled to Istanbul where they won the Turkish Buzzer Lacrosse Open against Turkey and Bulgaria; Franklin scored a goal in Israel's maiden international contest in a 13-9 win over Turkey. The Team then traveled to Amsterdam where they placed 8th in the European Lacrosse Championships. In addition to playing in exhibition games against the Netherlands, Switzerland and Ireland, Franklin also helped Israel's Tel Aviv LC to an EC12 Festival Championship. David tallied a total of four goals and one assist playing a combination of attack and long stick midfield in Holland.

David Franklin, Israel Lacrosse, Amsterdam

(Photo Credit: Larry Palumbo)

"I was actually supposed to take my first trip to Israel in '07 when a bunch of my fraternity brothers and I signed up for Birthright" explained the Long Island native. "However, I had to drop out after our lacrosse team won the SELC and got invited to Nationals in Dallas; It's pretty crazy to think how the sport of lacrosse brought things full circle to give me this unique opportunity to see the Holy Land."

Graduating from Emory in 2008, Franklin played two seasons with Emory's Lacrosse Team after transferring from Drew University and rehabbing a leg injury in 2006. Franklin played his first full season in 2007 helping the Eagles program to its first ever Conference Championship and MCLA National Tournament Appearance. As a starter at attack, Franklin was among the team's and SELC's assist leaders during the championship campaign before seeing limited time as a reserve midfielder in 2008.

"David was a great contributor to our new program that allowed us to compete with great success this summer," said Israel Head Coach and Lacrosse Hall of Famer, Bill Beroza. "We used David as both a long pole (LSM) and an attackman. His versatility and willingness to be a role player certainly contributed to a positive outcome in all of our games while his commitment to the team was unquestionable."

Franklin is eligible to return to Israel next summer where he will be slated compete for Team USA in the Macccabi Games in addition to playing for his Israeli club, Jerusalem LC. As a member of the Inaugural National Team, Franklin is now guaranteed a tryout for the 2014 World Games which will be hosted by Dick's Sporing Good Park in Denver, Colorado. However, if unable to crack the roster as a 28-year-old athlete on the American side, Franklin will most likely serve on Israel's 2014 Tournament Staff in Denver. 



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