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North Oldham Recap | 4-18-13

Bookmark and Share Printer Friendly May. 9, 2013

On Thursday night, 4/18/13, the Centurion laxers traveled to play the Mustangs of North Oldham.  The CAL offense was firing on all cylinders as they jumped out to a solid 7-4 lead after two quarters. With some key halftime adjustments, the squad came out on fire with 4 more goals early in the 3rd period to extend their lead to 11-4.


Early in the fourth, CAL was cruising with a 13-6 leads as they “called off the dogs” and went deep into the bench rotation for a final score of 14-8. The Mustang defense had no answers for the multi-faceted Centurion attack. Goals came from everywhere as eight different players scored, led by Ben Burchell with 3 goals. Mark Highbaugh, Chad Lewellyn, Jonathon Lytle and Trent Erps all found the back of the net twice. Andrew Frey, Preston Gilbert and Holton Durenburger each pitched in with a goal apiece. 


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